Saturday, January 25, 2014

Welcome to the world, Cailyn!

This little lady was such a snuggle bug! All she wanted was to be held so we turned her newborn session into a lifestyle session in her nursery.. best of all, little Cailyn is one of our newest Milestone babies so now I get to see her every three months and watch her grow! I can't wait (:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Caroline is half a year old!

I think I've fallen in love. Caroline is one of our Milestone babies and her blue eyes and chubby thighs gave me major baby fever. What a total sweetheart! I can't wait for her 9 month session (:

Stephanie's Maternity Session

Stephanie and her little family are growing! I can't wait to capture the new family of four on camera. Big sister, Emma is just a ham and SO excited for her baby sister, Nora to arrive. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful location for this session to take place. The meaning behind each image made this session so much more personal.