Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Isaiah is One!

My sweet nephew turned one last month. Watching him grow and learn has been one of the most miraculous things I have ever experienced.

Welcome to this big world, Cedric

Sweet Cedric came into this big world.. only a week after our maternity session.. close timing! He was so sweet but definitely put up a strong fight. He wanted only to be held by mom and dad so we turned his session into a lifestyle shoot in his beautifully decorated nursery. I couldn't ask for better natural lighting! (:

Olivia turns One!

Oh the bittersweet graduation of my Milestone babies.. Olivia has been with us since she was only a few days old and is now a year. Her think dark hair and big bright eyes always made my job so easy! I'm really going to miss watching you grow up, sweet girl.

Annie is turning two!

Two years ago, this little one was a mere 4lbs. Now she is bouncing, bubbly ball of energy (who calls me by my name!). She was my very first newborn and it has been quite the journey watching her grow and learn through the lens of my camera. Happy birthday sweet Annie! (:

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hayden turns ONE!

Lately, all of my Milestone Littles have been graduating and it makes me SO SAD! (Although I am looking forward to having so many more). Here, my valentine Little is REALLY enjoying her cake.. what a smash! (: